Research Interests

  • Climate Change Policy
  • Urban Resilience and Vulnerability
  • Disaster Risk Governance
  • Development Finance
  • Policy and Program Evaluation

Research Projects

PhD Dissertation

Governing climate change: Policy communities and science policy interfaces in urban India.

Dissertation Committee Chair(s): Dr. Catherine Weaver and Dr. Patrick Bixler, LBJ School of Public Affairs.

This dissertation explores the role of policy communities in agenda setting and policy formation of urban climate policies in India. Policy communities are networks of specialists like researchers, academics, scientists, and policy experts with shared frameworks, expertise, and interests in a particular policy domain – in this instance, climate change policy in urban areas. Through case studies of three Indian cities – Surat, Pune and Kochi, the dissertation seeks to explain and theorize how policy communities emerge, function, and contribute to the formation and implementation of urban climate policy

Master’s Thesis

Labour Market in Rubber Cultivation- A case study in Kerala.

Guide: Dr. Sandhya Iyer, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.

This thesis project was completed as part of M. A in Development Studies at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. Through this research, I analyzed and documented labour market conditions in the natural rubber small holdings and plantations in Kerala, India. Based on semi-structured interviews with sixty-nine key informants and sample surveys among rubber tappers in Kerala, the work explained the vulnerability of rubber tappers and labour market outcomes in the post liberalization period in India.

Other Research Projects

• Planet Texas 2050

Graduate Research Assistant, The University of Texas at Austin

PI: Dr. Patrick Bixler

Worked with Dr. Patrick Bixler in the Planet Texas 2050 Flagship projects. My responsibilities included developing and analyzing a Texas wide survey on hazard preparedness and household adaptive capacity, developing a survey regarding flood risk governance networks in Texas, and conceptualizing and organizing ‘Texas Hazard Hub’- a platform for dialogue, knowledge sharing, and evidence-based policy development.

• The Austin Area Sustainability Indicators (A2SI)

Graduate Research Assistant, The University of Texas at Austin

PI: Dr. Patrick Bixler

The project measured quality of life, sustainability trends, and served as the foundation for a systems approach that addresses challenges in Central Texas. Worked with Dr. Patrick Bixler and team on analysis of household survey data, co-authored a research paper on adaptive capacity to urban flooding and contributed to the development of data briefs for research dissemination and policy advocacy.

• Financing resilience against natural disasters

Research Associate- Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi

PI: Dr. Saon Ray

The research project explored the current approaches towards disaster risk financing and resilience building in G20 countries and potential areas of action for G20. The study was undertaken for the G20 Secretariat of the Department of Economic Affairs, Government of India as background research for 2019 G20 Osaka summit. As a research associate my responsibilities included co-authoring of the research report, organization of stakeholder consultation and research dissemination.

• Application of innovative technologies for promoting financial inclusion disasters

Research Associate- Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi

PI: Dr. Saon Ray

A detailed enquiry into possible applications of emerging innovative technologies in the financial services sector in promoting financial inclusion in India. The study was undertaken for the G20 Secretariat of the Department of Economic Affairs, Government of India as background research for the 2018 G20 Buenos Aires summit. Responsibilities included the co-authoring reports, working papers and policy briefs, organization of stakeholder consultations and research dissemination.

• Climate change and economic competitiveness of cities: Making the business case for the adaptation

Research Associate- Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi

PI: Dr. Meenu Tewari

Co-authored a working paper examining the role of waterways in promoting climate resilience in city of Kochi, India and assisted PI with the synthesis paper which brought together multiple studies done under the larger project and organization of research dissemination conference.

• Effect of consumer finance on financial inclusion in India

Research Associate- Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi

PI: Dr. Saon Ray

This research project was a detailed enquiry into the potential and challenges offered by the consumer finance industry to the financial inclusion agenda in India.
In this project, I designed, and conducted household surveys in five Indian cities and co-authored the research reports and a working paper.

• Financial benchmarking of the Housing and Urban Development Corporation (hudco)

Research Assistant- Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi

PI: Dr. Indro Ray

This research project analysed the financial performance of Hudco, an Indian public sector financing company and benchmarked it against other players in the industry. The research was conducted for Human Settlement Management Institute & Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India. My responsibilities included report writing and assisting the PI with drafting research bids and proposals.

• Business as usual costs of urbanization- The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate: New Climate Economy Phase II

Research Assistant- Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi

PI: Prof. Anil Markandya

The study conducted in collaboration with WRI India, estimated the current social costs of urban service provision in India. A case study of four Indian cities was undertaken to look at market and non-market costs associated with the delivery of water, sanitation, transport, and energy services. Responsibilities included assisting senior researchers with literature review, data collection and analysis.

• Financing rooftop solar in India: the role of the bonds Market - The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate: New Climate Economy Phase III

Research Assistant- Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi

PI: Dr. Rajat Kathuria

A collaborative research project between Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), the study explored the role of urban local governments and the potential of municipal bonds in mobilizing financial investments for promoting rooftop solar systems in Indian cities. My responsibilities included coordination of fieldwork, co-authoring of research reports, policy briefs and research dissemination.

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